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Chatsworth History
Chatsworth, California is located at the Latitude and Longitude coordinates of: 34.250637, -118.614807 and the US Postal Zip codes of 91311 and 91326 in the extreme Northwest San Fernando Valley and is a 15.2 square mile unincorporated community within the City of Los Angeles. It is bordered to the South of the community of Canoga Park, West to the community of Northridge and Porter Ranch, and East to the City of Simi Valley and is directly South of the California Highway 118.
Chatsworth and the surrounding land was home to Native Americans (Indians,) and has caves containing rock art, and was colonized by the Spanish beginning in the 18th century.
Chatsworth was founded in 1795 as part of the Rancho Simi Spanish land grant and was ceded to Mexico from Spain in 1821, after the Mexican War of Independence. The United States was granted ownership of the land Chatsworth sits on pursuant to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after the Mexican American war ended in 1848.
The land was deeded to settlers after the 1862 Homestead Act which required living on the land for 5 years to “prove up” and own up to ¼ section, or 160 acres and became part of the City of Los Angeles when the San Fernando Valley was annexed in 1915.
Housing Units
Owner Occupied
According to the last census 52,483 people resided in Chatsworth, California with a median age of 46. Of this, 51% are males and 49% are females. US-born citizens make up 68.7% of the resident pool in Chatsworth, while non-US-born citizens account for 23.83%. Additionally, 7.47% of the population is represented by non-citizens.
There are a total of 18,256 housing units in Chatsworth, each made up of around 3 members. Family establishments represent 73.8% of these households, while non-family units account for the remaining 26.2%.
With 65.91% being owner-occupied, and 34.09% having renters living in them. Properties purchased with mortgages account for 71.34% of the units, and the median value of a home with a mortgage is $830,300. In general, housing costs reach $2,520 per month.
Approximately 20.0% of the Chatsworth population hold a high school degree with 27.28% having attained a college certificate and 24.81% have a bachelor’s degree White-collar workers make up 86.38% of the working population in Chatsworth, while blue-collar employees account for 13.62%. The average annual household income in Chatsworth is $122,141, while the median household income sits at $113,498 per year.
Auto Theft
The community of Chatsworth falls under the Jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Police Department Devonshire Area Division and the Los Angeles City Fire Department. Each year thousands of burglaries and other crimes take place within the Chatsworth area and surrounding communities. Imagine coming home and finding your house ransacked and violated and your jewelry and other valuable Personal Possessions gone forever.
The LAPD can’t be everywhere at once, and with Chatsworth being an affluent community and ongoing Police manpower shortages and a rising crime rate, the odds are that you or someone you know will fall victim to a burglary, home invasion or armed robbery or other property crime. According to the LAPD the most crime-prone streets in Chatsworth were Lassen Street, De Soto Avenue, Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Winnetka Avenue. These four streets made up more than half of all the crime in Chatsworth, California
The rate of burglary in Chatsworth is 3.01 per 1,000 residents during a standard year with your chance of being a victim of burglary in Chatsworth may be as high as 1 in 261.
By using an Alarm and Video Surveillance system with Door Sensors, Glass break Sensors and Motion Detectors you can limit your exposure and scare off would-be perpetrators before the crime even happens.

Your security is “Alarm 1’s top priority”
We can help protect your property with an efficient alarm and video surveillance system. Our Security Advisors can develop a security solution tailored to your needs to ensure your businesses and family’s safety. Burglaries can happen at any time of day or night, which is an unfortunate reality.